Mesgamers Network Premium 70-90% rev share! All tipe of channels // Refferal program

Hello, I have created a network, designed for all people

Network information

  1. We accept all types of content, obviously all without copyright
  2. To accept members must have 55 views per day, 2000 per month
  3. Being an active user (3-4 videos per month)

We accept all kinds of channels.
We answer your request for membership in 24 hours

70% to 90% revenue share
High CPM
Amazing support Team (Spanish and english team)
Forum (not yet completed)

What you hope to be a partner?

Go to: Apply | MESGAMERS NETWORK and become a partnership today.

For those who want to earn even more money

There is a system with which recruiters earn 10% of all partners bring forever

Become a recruiter today : Apply recruiter | MESGAMERS NETWORK

The more partners you bring the more you earn

Thanks :D
