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Top 14 des gâteaux motif galaxie, tout ça est beaucoup trop joli

Globalement, on ne vous apprendra rien en vous disant que la bouffe c'est bon pour le moral, la santé, l'amour, la vie. Mais ce qui est encore mieux que de la simple bouffe, c'est de la belle bouffe, des jolis gâteaux galaxie comme ceux-là qui sont tellement jolis qu'on hésiterait presque à la manger (enfin en tout cas pendant au moins 30 secondes). Et même que vous pouvez acheter les sucettes juste ici . source: Topito http://ift.tt/1QQaOrc

How to Make a Clay Pot

The venerable clay pot has its roots deep in ancient history. Our ancestors needed vessels to carry water and store food, and found the water-resistant naturally occurring clays in the soil were ideal. Even though today we can buy our vessels at the store and usually carry our water through pipes, clay pots remain beautiful, and are functional works of art and craft. Edit Steps Edit Preparations Wear clothes that you don't mind getting grubby and dirty. You are essentially working with refined dirt, so it's going to be a messy business. Knead the clay. Start with about 1/2 pound (.25 kilos) of clay. Slowly warm it and work out the air bubbles by kneading it with your hands. This will even out the clay’s consistency, eliminating lumps of soft spots, and make it more pliable and easier to work with. Take care to avoid folding, poking, or other actions that could add air pockets and bubbles to your clay—these could cause your pottery to explode in the oven. Slice your clay

Top 20 des phrases que les lesbiennes en ont marre d’entendre : non vraiment, arrêtez

How to Study for an English Exam

Studying for exams can be stressful, especially if you have no idea how to study for a specific subject. English exams can vary widely depending on the focus of your class, whether it is a composition course, a literature class, or a more comprehensive humanities class. However, there are some universal strategies that can help you be successful on exams in English courses. Edit Steps Edit Memorizing Vocabulary Words Make flashcards. Flashcards are one of the best ways to memorize vocabulary words. Write down the word on one side of an index card and the definition on the other side. [1] You can quiz yourself or have someone else quiz you. You can use electronic flashcards too. There are computer programs and smart phone apps that are specifically made for studying information on flashcards: you enter the “front” and “back” of the cards and scroll through them. Identify roots, prefixes, and suffixes. One way to study vocabulary more quickly and effectively is to know common r

Top 10 des affiches de films où on ne voit pas la tête de la meuf, vous avez dit macho ?

Spécialiste de la question, le tumblr Headlesswomenofhollywood répertorie les affiches où on a jugé bon de ne pas montrer la tête de l'actrice (mais plutôt ses boobs, son cul ou ses jambes tant qu'à faire). Un parti pris qui vise sans doute à appâter le chaland, mais qui est aussi un poil macho. Et nous sommes gentils. http://ift.tt/1rOpYsV http://ift.tt/1TgC0Ri http://ift.tt/1rOpYt0 http://ift.tt/1TgC0Rk http://ift.tt/1rOpYJg http://ift.tt/1TgBYJj http://ift.tt/1NZUmVs http://ift.tt/1NZUmVi http://ift.tt/1rOpYJi http://ift.tt/1TgC0Ru Allez, surtout ne changez rien ! source: Topito http://ift.tt/1SH3Fil

Top 22 des meilleurs « ta mère est tellement… », oui c’est bas, mais c’est drôle

Top 10 des trucs à faire pour que les députés viennent ENFIN à l’assemblée nationale

[VIDEO] Le Flyboard, nouveau record de distance pour un hoverboard

source: Topito http://ift.tt/1W3G0vz

How to Keep Ants Out of Pet Food

When ants invade your pet's food, the pet may refuse to eat. When ants invade food stored inside, you might end up with a pest problem inside your home. These instructions will help you ant-proof your pet's food, helping prevent such infestations. In addition to helping keep ants out of your pet's food, moreover, you may be worried that ants will end up in food you put out for wildlife around your home. These instructions also include steps to keeping ants out of these foods. The key is to create a chemical barrier that ants will not cross and which will not be harmful to pets, wild birds, or any other animals you wish to feed. Edit Steps Edit Storing and Protecting Pet Food Store extra food in sealed containers. [1] Coffee cans, Tupperware, and resealable zipper storage bags are some examples of containers that will help keep ants out. You may find that an additional container inside of another will be an even more effective barrier. Food stored in a resealable zipper