
عرض المشاركات من أبريل, ٢٠١٦

Top 10 des magasins qu’il faudrait autoriser à ouvrir le dimanche, le minimum vital

How to Deal With Exam Anxiety

Most people suffer some degree of anxiety when preparing for a test. This can range from a mild nervous feeling to a full panic attack. Whatever your level of anxiety, learning to reduce it is very important to study effectively for a test. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to reduce anxiety, which will benefit your grades and your overall mental health. Edit Steps Edit Reducing Anxiety with Effective Studying Leave yourself plenty of time for studying. Waiting until the night before a test to start studying is a good way to increase your anxiety. You'll feel crunched for time, overwhelmed, and you won't be able to focus on studying. [1] Instead of waiting until the last minute, start studying as soon as a test is scheduled. With several days or even a week to prepare, you'll feel more relaxed because you have plenty of time to learn the material. Draw up a schedule to make most of your study time. Set aside as much time as you feel you need; it coul

Top 12 des objets dont vous n’avez vraiment pas besoin, quoi qu’en dise la pub

Top 15 des montages à la con de la semaine, retirez-leur Photoshop #41

Top 18 des figurants complètement à côté de la plaque, les fails de l’arrière plan

Top 10 des petits signes que vous êtes véritablement un dieu au lit

How to Break a Habit

Do you bite your nails ? Chew on your hair? Suck your thumb ? Pick your lips ? Regardless of your particular habit, or how deeply ingrained it is, the process of breaking it will be similar. With persistence and the right mindset, it's possible to break your bad habits, and these instructions help you through the process of doing so. Edit Steps Edit Changing your Thinking Commit to a goal. Although it may seem obvious, it is important to understand that the first step in breaking a bad habit developing a true desire for and commitment to changing your life. [1] Many people embark on the path of breaking a habit without being certain that they really want to change. Breaking habits is a difficult task, so if you aren't fully committed to it you are likely to fail. [2] Understand your habit. Most habitual behaviors are patterns that have evolved because they have been rewarded in some way. They make it easier to perform a common task, or to deal with various emotional s

Top 11 des groupes de rap français en 3 lettres, faisons le tri une fois pour toute

[TOPITRUC] Une veilleuse pizza, pour ceux qui ont du goût

Top 10 des trucs qu’on a retenus du dernier épisode de Koh Lanta – S15E10

YEYEYAYAYEYAYAYA. Après la double élimination de Steve et Laureen la semaine dernière, place à une nouvelle émission ! Pascal la légende sera-t'il toujours aussi ... Pascal ? Karima aura t'elle les mêmes sourcils ? Denis Brogniart va t'il tâcher sa chemise ? Carine existe-t'elle ? Trop de suspens, place au top 10 de ce qu'il fallait retenir hier !!!! Que Steve va nous manquer Aaaaaah Steve ...Ses remarques machistes, ses réflexions idiotes, ses mimiques.Tout, quoi. Ça va nous manquer de ne pas le voir cette semaine. Heureusement qu'on a encore Pascal. Que Gabriel est un bel hypocrite "Moi si on avait fouillé dans mon sac, j'aurais dit : bien joué". Oui, bien sur Gabriel. Fouiller dans les affaires de Pascal sous prétexte que " c'est le jeu ", c'est déjà pas bien glorieux mais alors te faire passer pour un bon joueur après ça, ce n'est pas possible. Pris en flagrant délit, mais en plus il faudrait le féliciter. "