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Top 10 des raisons de ne pas apprendre le chinois (c’est à eux de s’adapter)

Crédits photo (creative commons) : Joe Mabel L'inexorable montée en puissance de la Chine conduit parfois certaines personnes à dire des conneries plus grosses qu'elles : "les Chinois vont nous envahir, ils dirigent le monde, on ferait mieux d'apprendre le mandarin à nos gamins au lieu de leur coller des heures de latin..." Bref, n'importe quoi. Déjà parce que le latin, c'est super , et surtout parce que le chinois, à part faire le malin dans au restaurant ou chanter dans un karaoké de Belleville, ça ne sert à que dalle. Commencez par bosser votre anglais, et après on en reparle. Ca n'aide pas à faire du business en Chine Les gens qui font affaire avec la Chine n'ont pas étudié le chinois mais le business. Quand on sait où produire à vil prix, se faire livrer par container et revendre avec une grosse marge, on l'a en général appris en école de commerce et pas en Langues Orientales. En étudiant le chinois, vous finirez au mieux prof de

How to Download Songs from Soundcloud

SoundCloud is a social media platform from which users can record, upload, and download songs and share them with other users. Many songs on SoundCloud are available for download directly from the website, but in some cases, users may have to use other methods to get the song they want. You can use the built-in tools in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, or you can use an extension for Firefox. You can also choose from a variety of websites that will perform the work for you. Steps Using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari Open the page for the song you want in Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. These browsers give you access to developer tools that will let you find the file on the SoundCloud page. This method will result in a file that is 128 kbps, which may be lower quality than the original. [1] If you can, use the official download method provided by the artist. If the artist has made the download available, and the limit hasn't yet been reached, there will be a "⇩ Download" button

How to Deep Sea Fish

Deep-sea fishing takes place at a depth of at least 100 feet (30m), allowing fishermen to catch large game fish that cannot usually be caught in shallower waters, such as swordfish, sharks, dolphin, tuna and marlin. Many tourist and vacation areas offer deep-sea fishing charters, which are the best possible option for beginners. To deep-sea fish you can book a charter or you can go out on your own. Either way you will need to know the basics of how to prepare for the experience and stay safe. Steps Getting Ready for Fishing Find out what you'll need to be prepared. Most charters will be equipped with everything you need from licenses, rods and bait, to life jackets, meaning that you'll just need to show up ready to fish and with the necessary payment. When booking your tour, ask if there is anything required or recommended that you bring. If you've never deep sea fished before, you need to charter a boat and go out with an experienced fishing guide. Even if you've

How to Get Rid of Chocolate Stains

So you’re a chocolate lover. By now you must know that rich, milky chocolate goodness will make an unmanageable mess when spilled. Chocolate contains a high amount of (delicious) fat that will keep working away to ruin your clothing and carpets, so get on that stain removal as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible. Steps Removing Chocolate Manually Scrape off any chocolate gently from your garment by using a butterknife. Work on a flat surface as you do this, and be cautious as to not spread the chocolate around further. [1] Remove as much excess chocolate as possible. Do not rub the chocolate into the clothing further. If some chocolate is accidently spread to a new area of the garment, remove it immediately and follow the rest of the cleaning procedure. [2] Chocolate stains strengthen as they age, thus it is important to remove it as soon as possible. Massage laundry detergent into the stain. After applying detergent directly to the stain, allow it to soak for up

How to Look Like Marilyn Monroe

The talented, gorgeous Marilyn Monroe has been a sex symbol for generations, and is known for a number of commercial films from the 1950s and 1960s. She was a self-made woman who started out in a series of foster homes and made her way to the big screen. If you want to look like Marilyn Monroe, you have to get the makeup, hair, and style down while maintaining a healthy dose of confidence. Steps Getting the Style Wear dresses like Marilyn. Marilyn Monroe is known for her gorgeous, sexy dresses, and if you want to look like her, then you have to get comfortable with wearing them as often as you can. In general, her dresses served to emphasize her hourglass figure, often with a more low-cut look and a belt around her waist. Here are some dresses that you can try for inspiration: A halter neck dress. This dress is Marilyn’s most famous, known for its appearance in The Seven Year Itch . This dress was white, with a full skirt with ruffles beneath it, that looked gorgeous when it blew